Sunday, April 01, 2018

Under the kilt ....

Outside of Scotland, the most asked question …”what’s under the kilt” ?

For the most part, a quick “have a look for yourself” usually kills the curiosity, well apart from one time after the Borrowdale Hill Race when a local lass did in fact stick her cold hand up the kilt much to both our surprise.

Formal occasions, what is under the kilt is less important but when running in it, control is everything. I’ve tried different combinations of shorts over the years all of which are too warm, standard boxer shorts work to a degree but either swingage (is that a word ???) or chaffing tends to be an issue. A while back in support of our pal Lucja, Katie and me grabbed a shot wearing Runderwear up on the Devils Ridge – okay, technically I wore Katie’s underwear for the photograph but I have to admit …it was comfortable !

On the Devils Ridge 
When the offer came to try a pair of the guys boxers, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to combine with the kilt – control and chaff free being the hope.

First impressions were “I’ll never get into those” since they look tiny (I went for medium being a 32 inch waist in jeans) but they are super stretchy so tight without being restrictive. They feel warm without being sweaty which is ideal for the average UK conditions. The legs have a rubber “gripper” strip which prevents them from riding up which indicates the level of thought that has gone into the design. Not much else I can really say apart from I am pleased to report they work well …very well in fact. 

Used them in a range of conditions over the months both under the kilt and in my favourite trail shorts which do not have a built in liner. Apart from run use, I’ve found them to be ideal for hill walking and general mountaineering as well. In short, highly recommended.

Post Born to Run Ultra out in California